Fostering Creativity In Youths (2010-2011)

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As an Instructor at LEAP for Education, formally called Salem Cyberspace, I had the opportunity to design, develop, and present art curriculum to school-aged children from underserved families as part of the non-profit afterschool Art Enrichment Program.

From program planning to preserving the limited budget, I developed lessons, activities, and exercises that fostered creativity to engage students. My workshops actively encouraged artistic exploration and expression, as well as provided guidance in creative thought processes and artistic techniques. Additional areas of focus were to cultivate innovation, teamwork, collaboration, and self-esteem among the students. Aligned with the organization’s goal, the classes served to inspire students to become more active participants in our community.

Snapshots of students’ art creations and the joy in making art!

Follow Jenny S.W. Lee:

Greater Boston, Seattle, and Vancouver based artist & photographer exhibiting internationally.

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